SuppClupp is a young team, combining the strengths of people from all across the globe.
Working in a diverse environment challenges not only people personally, but also challenges their business cultures, which has led our team to be an energetic, enthusiastic and synergized group who strive for great results.


In and Out the box

Good customer support of course has it’s core values. But besides striving to give our clients the most satisfied customers, with the highest level of service, we don’t stop there. Thinking outside of the box might seem like a cliche, but we never take the easy way out or walk the paved roads, we go where other companies have not gone before and with measurable results. A support team with different backgrounds and expertises, managed by a versatile group of leaders, has taken our support approach into a new direction. That direction has led us to reaching new heights. We don’t just engage in problem-solving, we provide solutions to our client’s customers that will reflect positively on the clients company image.

Direct and Open

Everyone is equal, whether you are a senior, just new in the business or fresh out of school. Our teams are being managed in an matter where equality is key. This ensures our company to have a direct and open communication style throughout all departments. There are no stupid questions, and everyone’s input is valued. This style has led to a company that keeps improving and growing rapidly, since this style leads to creativity and energy.

Your Clients, Our Kings

We already mentioned this above, and we know it’s a cliche, but clients need to be treated like kings. You value your clients, we value ours and therefor yours too. A good support team doesn’t take the easy way out, but takes pride in what it does. And since we are in the business of caring for customers, that’s exactly what we go for. We take care of your customers, and your business, and we are pretty proud of how we go about it.